Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Got my midterm test paper for Entrepreneurism.... an A-.
Well, the professor had questions which could be interpreted both ways.
Imagine a true/false question which reads.... "High risk/ high rewards" that's it. And just before that he explained how an entrepreneur should slowly steadily (during operations...) reduce risk so that it becomes a low risk...high reward scenario.

Darn it... things like these and more...objective part of the test wasn't as great.
Subjective part was good and I made a A on those.

However, this midterm would have a weightage of only 40% and next one...which is in 2 weeks, it is 60%. That's it ...course is done.

Professor is great...but at times digresses eventually mostly with the couple of memories he has. My expectations from the course were more of a formal coaching and practicals. However, I shuld've set those earlier. By now, it is pretty late. This is the 4th lecture of the 6 lecture series.

Anyways, chapter 10 is on today...on Deal Structure and first half of the lecture has not even touched it...because professor was discussing our test along with examples.

Break is up and I would have to wrap this up...
Given the fact that I didn't prepare for that midterm at all..I think I did good......
but it could've been better....

hrumph...would have to make another schedule for myself !

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