Friday, June 09, 2006

another week passes by...

Andy (Assoc. Dean) had arranged a lunch with the faculty today in order to make us aware about who is doing what research (I have suggested to make it a part of the orientation).

This gives a good insight into who is doing what research.
Mr. Debrawski's research and Data mining work has impressed me due to the media attn he and Auton lab gets. They conduct experiments which is directly put to work by the corporations (both govt and non govt). Auton lab has many projects funded by quite a few organizations. (if only ... the MISM program was subsidized more! )

btw, next week is lined up with too much work to be done.
I have to do my yday evening's class now for Strategic Cost Analysis. Prof had an interview today for some Director-like position (she is planning to shift to Harrisburg) and hence, could not take a class yday evening. We have a quiz lined up for the SCA next week.

Here's where it starts getting really exciting. The pressure is surmounting and I am playing Pool and TT with my roomies.

Will hit back to HBH (Hamburg Hall) to get my Stats and SCA work done.

btw, the Consulting and Conflict mgmt role-play went pretty smooth with one minor glitch and the prof commented on arriving at a win-win situation with the client. A was in the other group and they were really cool overall (she was looking cute !).

The previous group had a set of consultants who literally were "rude" to their potential client (entrepreneurs approaching mgmt consultants for getting an approval for their business plan) !

Wow...this was a great moment to bask in the glory....but...but...but.. I would have to be careful...usually it heads downhill once I am done with such things.

T was really good at her part...but she manages 21 men in real life and is a flex-time MBA student here. Now, that seems like a good option to me. btw, T reminds me of someone and I have fair degree to learn from her.

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