Tuesday, March 04, 2008

US recession is a boon for service providers well-entrenched in India

Recession in US puts Indian firm on a good footing for leveraging the relatively inexpensive image of their services ! The economies of scale established by leading firms entrenched in India is remarkable.

The usual principal-agent issues impede these firms from making off-shoring decisions. Indian service providers have demonstrated good capabilities around the same in the past. After initial doubt, outsourcing had gained ground in last 5 years. Further, the contracts are up for renewals. We will see large bout of negotiations for the renewal of contracts and further large proportions of sourcing.

- Sourcing Capability Model encompasses all the sourcing issues and the Indian service providers are rapidly climbing the ladders of the eSCM capability levels. You must check out on the eSCM website for the list of the Indian firms.

Currently, the leading Indian service providers are making offers that are hard to refuse. No wonder - when the doom-gloom about the R-word started, progressive companies such as Infosys started booking the 30-seconds-slots on CNBC in the US.

From the vantage point that I am looking at, this recession is a boon for the Indian Services, in general, and software services, in particular.

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