Next time, we shall have a role play on Conflict management.

A set of students would be entrepreneurs and the other sets would be doing role of management consultants.
Fortunately, I am on the consultant side. Prof is asking us to leave the place in order to brief the the other set of students.
Today's sessions was informative, resolving and lead to quite a bit of learning.
The learnings from Entrepreneurism class helped crack the U-Haul case. Yipee !
Strategic Investors :).....double hits !
Need to order the book of Getting to Yes ASAP. It has been too late.
Prof recommended another book too... Flawless Consulting
We saw a few video clips (Tepper Management Game) . Another audio clip between Management Team representation and Labor Negotiator. Surprising but true, the negotiation showed how the relatively coy ppl make it to the BSchools.

This includes 5 sections with various traits broadly divided in 2 columns:
5 sections are:
Somebody would also track body language and resistance-meter (on 4 counts of Emotionality, Irrationality, Closedness, Competitiveness)
However, I am enjoying this course.
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