After checking out the strip, a few questions that linger reader's mind are :
- How to make persuasive recommendations?
- How to prevent political agendas from derailing your recommendations?
- Do recommendations become negotiations? If yes, how do we negotiate?
Consulting is an art and not a science. As Dr. Young taught us the psychology of audience decision making in his course on Consulting and Conflict Resolution, I recall a few of the prime points are as follows:
- Insist on using objective criteria. For instance, in case of software architecture negotiations, a good method to use is ATAM or Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
- Focus on interests and not positions. Use data to back your interest - it could be industry reports from authoritative sources such as Gartner, Forrester, etc
- Like it or not, negotiation is a fact of life
- In negotiations, neither be too hard nor be too soft - use principled negotiation to get what you entitle and be good to people as well
- Separate people from the problem
- Invent options for mutual gains
- Use BATNA for folks who are more powerful
- Use negotiation jujitsu for difficult folks with dirty tricks
Happy Consulting !
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